Splattered Bugs

There have been A LOT of bugs in and around Bakersfield this year. The front grille and bumper of our truck could testify to this fact. Travelling frequently through the rural outskirts of town has exponentially added to the casualties that have collided with the frontend of our truck. Perhaps the abundance of these flying critters has been a result of the wildflower super bloom we had this year, or possibly the mild spring.  Regardless, our white truck looked more like a peppered target of an insecta detonation in the battlefield than a passenger vehicle before it travelled through the carwash…three times.

I suppose this is a good time to interject that I am not the most disciplined when it comes to vehicle maintenance, especially in keeping it clean. It is rare, possibly even inconceivable, that my bungalow on wheels makes it through the carwash more than three times a year! You can only imagine the buildup that becomes a potentially permanent fixture to its exterior.

So, back to the bug battlefield. As noted above I recently took our truck through the carwash. The first time through unveiled the shiny white paint on the sides and back of the truck; however, the front remained encrusted with an even layer of the remains of the tiny contorted creatures. A second time through, similar results, although the layer was a slightly thinner. A third time through, the final time they would allow me to go through on this visit, with added bug wash spray and scrubbing, and still the mangled bugs remained. It seemed my negligence had resulted in permanent bug splatter!

Just when I had nearly given up, I read that dryer sheets soaked in warm water will scrub away the pesky critters almost effortlessly. Obviously, I was doubtful. Dryer sheets…to remove bugs? It seemed preposterous, yet intriguing enough that I had to try.

Unconvinced, my frugal nature led me to the dollar store to purchase the smallest, cheapest box of dryer sheets I could find. They remained in my laundry room…for months! We have a front-loading dryer, so I do not use dryer sheets when doing the wash. I had gotten home too late to try the experiment that day. My skepticism, along with a busy schedule and absentmindedness, kept my motivation at bay.

We are travelling out of town this week for a family event and I wanted the truck to be presentable. As I was cleaning out the inside, the bug riddled front caught my attention. I hadn’t thought about the dryer sheets for weeks, but I decided this was as good of a time as any to see if the article I had read spoke any truth.

With little expectation, yet an attitude of hope, I armed myself with the dryer sheets and a bowl of warm water. I submerged the first dryer sheet in the water and applied it to the back of the passenger mirror, the smallest and highest area of the bug apocalypse! Almost immediately and effortlessly the bugs began to wash away…to seemingly vanish. The dryer sheet was like a magic bug eraser. I was dumbfounded! Although I had to change out the water three times…did I mention there were A LOT of bugs…the front of our truck was finally free of the bug splatter within a matter of minutes!

The bugs splattered on the front of our truck kind of resemble the sin in my life. When left ignored it begins to speckle my demeanor and my character. I can try to wash it away with my own will, but all attempts are fleeting. Good works and changed behavior can make me look clean from a distance, but like the bugs on the truck after the carwash, the remains can be spotted upon closer examination. The sinful spirit remains, changing my soul from white to gray to darker shades of gray.

The only way to completely wash away the sin in my life -and yours – is to apply the magic sin eraser, the unfailing and cleansing forgiveness of Christ. We must confess our transgressions and immerse ourselves in His grace. 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And what is most beautiful about God’s forgiveness is that it is not something we have to work for or jump through hoops to get. God does not scour the sin out of our lives. He does not run us through the ringer or drive us through the sin wash with scrubbers and heat and scrapers. Instead, He washes us clean with His gentle loving forgiveness each and every time we come to Him with a sincere heart.

Confession coupled with genuine repentance and Christ’s strength and guidance leads to permanent changed behavior and true freedom. This cleansing frees us to live a life without bondage…bondage of addiction…bondage of oppression…bondage of hopelessness…bondage of guilt…bondage of shame…bondage of self-loathing…bondage of whatever haunts us day in and day out.  Confession, and true repentance, begins a transformation that leads to a life of purpose. Although some of the scars of our sin will still remain after confession, just like the dryer sheets only removed the bugs and not the dings in the truck, the scars will enhance our character, serve as reminders of our renewed life and hopefully keep us from returning to our old sinful ways.

Dear Jesus, thank You for your continued acceptance of me, regardless of how many times I falter. Please forgive me of my sins, big and small. Please search my heart and bring light to any areas of my life that I need to confess and change my ways. Thank You for Your forgiveness and Your grace. Amen.

Verses for reflection:

Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13 NIV

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8 ESV

Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin. Psalm 32:5 NIV

I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. Psalm 38:18 ESV

 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. Romans 10:10 ESV


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