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    Splattered Bugs

    There have been A LOT of bugs in and around Bakersfield this year. The front grille and bumper of our truck could testify to this fact. Travelling frequently through the rural outskirts of town has exponentially added to the casualties that have collided with the frontend of our truck. Perhaps the abundance of these flying critters has been a result…

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    Swimming With The Sharks

    Last month my husband and I had the opportunity to swim with the leopard sharks in La Jolla Cove, near San Diego, CA. To some this may sound reckless, or even like a death-defying feat, but in reality, these creatures are as docile as a deer in the woods. They swarm to the area each year to mate and breed,…

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    Confessions of a Competitive Speeder

    I like to drive fast…sometimes really fast. And sometimes driving really fast can get you into trouble. This became my reality about four years ago when I received two tickets in one week. Not my proudest confession! Thankfully, on both occasions the officers showed me some grace and only wrote me up for going 10 miles over the speed limit.…